martes, 15 de junio de 2010

España, al borde del abismo del impago..¡¡

 Mientras gastan 600.000 euros en cubrir  la reunión "Secreta" del Club Bildenberg, el abismo econcómico cada vez está mas cerca... Según El economista Xavier Sala i Martín: "Estamos a tres meses de la argentinización"... DESPIERTA ¡¡

Si muchas familias están endeudadas y algunas en ese punto de no poder asumir el pago de sus obligaciones, ¿por qué no lo va a poder estar el Estado, la suma de todas las familias? Es un supuesto que ya manejan algunos economistas que sostienen que, en caso de que nuestro país no emprenda las reformas estructurales y de calado que les están exigiendo mercados, instituciones europeas y FMI, y en consecuencia no sea capaz de ganarse la confianza de los inversores, no es descabellado que tenga que enfrentarse a un proceso de reestructuración de la deuda o, más allá, se encamine a la suspensión de pagos, lo que se conoce como default.

Un economista de la Universidad de Columbia, Xavier Sala i Martín, lo dijo hace unos días en Vigo: "Estamos ante una gran oportunidad de cambiarlo todo. Si no se cambia, la economía se muere. Estamos a tres meses de la argentinización"...

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Compendio de declaraciones. Se puede decir más alto, pero no más claro....DESPIERTA¡¡

"Chávez--Hay libertad hasta para insultar al presidente"

Ojalá Obama se dedique a gobernar EE.UU

Chávez- -Tengo derecho de replicar si creo que mienten

Fuente. Canalactualidad

Irlanda expulsa a un diplomático israelí por el caso de los pasaportes falsos

Comprobamos como trabajan los servicios de Inteligencia Israelí, para ellos no existen las reglas y encima la ONU los ampara... DESPIERTA ¡¡

Fuente. Canalactualidad.

Los sindicatos convocarán una huelga general contra la reforma laboral ¡¡

 No sé si reirme o destonillarme de la risa... resulta que el 29 de Septiembre es el día "HG" (Huelga General), si se descuidan hacemos la "HG" el día de las campanadas de fin de año,  que más les da el trabajador, si ellos tienen bien llenas las panzas y los bolsillos con el dinero que reciben del Gobierno y sus afiliados... Y mientras millones de familias no llegan a fin de mes... Ahora con el agrabio de la subida de la LUZ y del IVA,  el sumatorio de estas personas se incrementará exponencialmente a medida que pasen los días..(No Meses). Y como añadidura al TIMO "CC.OO-UGT", tenemos  la Reforma Laboral, en la que se contempla el abaratamiento del Despido,(aun más..)entre otras muchas  cosas, QUE VERGUENZA ¡¡¡ no les necesitamos.. DESPIERTA ¡¡

Madrid.- Por unanimidad, los secretarios de todas las federaciones de CCOO reunidos esta mañana han decidido convocar huelga general, en protesta por la reforma laboral del Gobierno, sin precisar la fecha.
"Habrá convocatoria de huelga general", ha asegurado el responsable de Comunicación del sindicato, Fernando Lezcano, tras la reunión de la Comisión Confederal de CCOO que ha analizado el documento de 41 páginas de la reforma del mercado de trabajo del Ejecutivo.
Según fuentes sindicales, CCOO y UGT convocarán "casi con toda probabilidad" la huelga general para después del verano, "en los meses de septiembre u octubre", siendo el 29 de septiembre una de las fechas estudiadas. "Preparar una huelga general exige entre 20 días y un mes", añaden.
En cualquier caso, este martes se sabrá la fecha y el "recorrido" pactado con el otro sindicato mayoritario, UGT. De hecho, a las 17.00 horas habrá una rueda de prensa conjunta entre el secretario general de CCOO, Ignacio Fernández Toxo, y el de UGT, Cándido Méndez.
Según Lezcano, los sindicatos tiene el "objetivo preciso" de convocar esta huelga general para "no dar pie a intenciones interesadas", ya que -en su opinión- las dos confederaciones se han dado cuenta de que existen intereses para "cuestionar el papel de los sindicatos"...

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No se pierdan lo que publicaba el medio de comunicación Oficial "RT", sobre la máquina que utiliza EE.UU (HAARP)..para Modificar el CLIMA..Parece ser que habría que preguntar.. ¿Quienes son  ahora los Conspiranóicos? ..DESPIERTA¡¡

Algunos científicos sospechan que el Pentágono regularmente pone en marcha una “terrible arma electromagnética” ubicada en Alaska y capaz de modificar la meteorología del planeta.

Según explicó Mijaíl Guershtein, el presidente de la comisión ufológica de la Sociedad Geográfica de Rusia, entrevistado por el rotativo ruso Komsomólskaya Pravda, cada catástrofe natural o tectónica de gran escala  ocurrida en el mundo le hace recordar el misterioso complejo del proyecto estadounidense HAARP. Y el interés por la estación electromagnética en Alaska se enciende de nuevo. 

Recientemente el presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, supuso que el HAARP es la posible causa de los terremotos en China y en la isla de Haití. La prensa en todo el mundo citó su hipótesis y una vez más dijo que la estación estadounidense provoca desastres naturales, es decir, es un arma climática y tectónica. Y precisamente actualmente vuelve a crear una inundación, esta vez en Europa. Pero, ¿hay alguna posibilidad de que esto sea cierto?

La monstruosa estación del proyecto High Frecuency Active Auroral Program (HAARP, por sus siglas en inglés) o Programa de Investigación de la Aurora Activa de Alta Frecuencia, está ubicada en Alaska, a 250 kilómetros al noreste de la ciudad de Anchorage. El complejo, que ocupa casi 14 hectáreas, consiste en 360 radioemisoras y 180 antenas de 22 metros de largo.  Su construcción llevó 20 años y costó 250 millones de dólares. Es el equipo más grande del mundo en cuanto a la influencia en la ionosfera, pues emite 3.600 kilovatios, 75 veces más que una emisora de radio comercial. Según se explica en el sitio web del HAARP, su objetivo es estudiar y entender los fenómenos naturales en la ionosfera y el espacio cercano. Pero el proyecto está financiado por la Fuerza Aérea y la Marina de los Estados Unidos....

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Los 12 signos del despertar de Consciencia ...

 Si realmente sientes que nada tiene sentido, si en ocasiones te sientes derrotado, sin ganas de continuar con la verdad, si ves que tu vida se desmorona, si sientes que la gente que amas te siente extraño y no llega a entenderte.... Que sepas que no estás solo, todos pasamos por los mismos cambios, mira este video y veras que somos muchos...DESPIERTA ¡¡


Fuente.Canal JUCISNE87

TERREMOTOS POR DOQUIER "California se lleva la peor Parte"¡¡

Ya posteamos esta mañana los terremotos ocurridos en California, aquí les dejamos la pruebas de ello.. DESPIERTA ¡¡
Earthquake events in the last 12 hours

Date/Time (UTC) Magnitude Area Country State/Prov./Gov. Location Risk Source Result
15.06.2010 - 09:52:193.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:51:183.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:44:562.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:42:532.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:36:092.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:32:442.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:24:082.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:17:362.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:16:032.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:14:552.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:06:353.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:06:042.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 09:04:042.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:57:092.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaBorrego SpringsVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:49:322.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:47:012.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:44:082.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:43:332.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:39:433.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:39:142.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:38:242.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:37:372.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:31:102.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:28:582.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:26:473.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:24:323.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:23:032.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:22:502.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:16:504.0North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:14:464.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:11:243.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:09:472.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:06:202.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:05:272.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:01:512.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:01:182.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:00:452.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 08:00:152.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:59:472.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:59:292.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:58:382.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:53:532.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:53:232.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:48:422.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:48:122.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:47:392.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:46:212.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:46:002.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:44:432.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:43:202.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaSalton CityVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:42:522.9North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:39:443.0North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:39:122.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:35:332.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:35:272.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:34:373.7Middle EastIranOstan-e)) ((KhorasanBirjandVulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 07:31:123.4EuropeGreeceNomos )) (( PiraiosKhimarrosVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 07:22:022.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:20:082.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:14:572.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:11:152.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:04:412.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 07:04:062.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:58:402.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:58:192.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:54:222.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:52:273.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:51:402.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:49:222.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:46:083.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:46:033.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:45:042.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:44:412.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:40:183.0North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:39:142.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:33:453.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:32:123.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:31:403.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:27:162.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:23:373.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:23:032.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:21:342.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:20:472.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:19:322.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:14:442.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:12:092.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:11:192.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:08:283.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:07:502.9North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 06:04:492.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:54:022.9North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:52:343.0North AmericaUSAAlaskaRampartVulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:52:242.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:48:433.1AsiaTurkeyKuetahya ProvinceTavsanliVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 05:45:482.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaBanningVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:45:454.0AsiaKyrgyzstanYsyk-Kol OblastyKyzyl-SuuVulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 05:42:312.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:38:182.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:36:582.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:35:533.0AsiaTurkeyMugla IliYataganVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 05:34:164.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:30:593.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:30:112.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:21:582.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:18:332.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:17:382.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:15:282.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:13:302.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:12:072.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:10:492.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:10:192.3North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:08:283.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:07:412.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaPine ValleyVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:06:322.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:05:432.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 05:03:352.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:59:454.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:59:454.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 04:59:054.0North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:57:523.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:56:483.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:55:342.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:55:002.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:54:262.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:53:322.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:53:142.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:53:022.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:52:092.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:51:302.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:50:482.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:50:212.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaPine ValleyVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:49:292.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:48:063.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:47:233.5North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:46:122.9North AmericaUSACaliforniaPine ValleyVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:45:523.0North AmericaUSACaliforniaPine ValleyVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:44:422.9North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:43:103.7North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:40:373.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:40:163.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:39:463.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:38:552.8North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:36:064.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:35:474.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:34:263.4North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:33:043.2Middle AmericaMexicoEstado de Baja CaliforniaTecateVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:32:573.2North AmericaUSACaliforniaBorrego SpringsVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:31:543.6North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:29:553.9North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:27:045.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaSeeleyThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 04:26:585.9North AmericaUSACaliforniaOcotilloThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 04:05:282.7EuropeAlbaniaQarku i DibresDuricajVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 04:00:313.2AsiaTurkeySirnak ProvinceIdilVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 03:58:563.2Middle AmericaMexicoEstado de Baja CaliforniaProgresoThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 03:52:162.4North AmericaUSAHawaiiN�¤���¤lehuThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 03:48:142.8EuropeAlbaniaQarku i DibresDuricajVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 03:38:532.1EuropeItalyIsmeretlenCaposeleThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 03:23:133.1AsiaTurkeyBitlis IliMutkiThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 03:16:142.8EuropeAlbaniaQarku i DibresDuricajVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 03:15:194.3EurasiaRussiaRespublika TyvaErzinVulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 02:02:562.1EuropeItalyIsmeretlenCapitignanoVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 01:44:422.1North AmericaUSACaliforniaBroadmoorVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 01:04:364.5Middle AmericaCosta RicaProvincia de GuanacasteSamaraVulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 00:37:453.3North AmericaUSAAlaskaPedro BayThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
15.06.2010 - 00:31:185.2AsiaTaiwanT'ai-wan ShengTa-hsi-chenThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
15.06.2010 - 00:30:433.2Middle AmericaMexicoEstado de Baja CaliforniaAlberto Oviedo MotaThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
14.06.2010 - 23:46:483.4EuropeGreeceNomos AttikisKythiraVulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
14.06.2010 - 23:33:192.6Middle AmericaMexicoEstado de Baja CaliforniaProgresoThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
14.06.2010 - 23:21:594.7Pacific Ocean - WestPhilippinesProvince of Ilocos NorteCallaguipVulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
14.06.2010 - 22:45:302.5EuropeGreeceNomos IoanninonKefalovrysonVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
14.06.2010 - 22:11:513.6North AmericaUSAAlaskaMcKinley ParkThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0USGSResult
14.06.2010 - 21:48:113.3AsiaTurkeySirnak ProvinceIdilVulkĂĄn 0There are 
airport(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
14.06.2010 - 18:58:003.6EurasiaRussiaIsmeretlenOtradaThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
14.06.2010 - 17:17:424.7AsiaTaiwanT'ai-wan ShengChi-lungThere are
 volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.VulkĂĄn 0VulkĂĄn 0RSOE-EMSCResult
